Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Test case sample

Workflow test

Testing criteria:

  1. Able to open QUO
  2. Able to create QUO
  3. Able to post QUO to SO
  4. Able to open SO
  5. Able to retrieve SO
  6. Validate retrieve SO transaction
  7. Able to open PL
  8. Able to create PL by using SO as source
  9. Able to open DO(PL)
  10. Able to create DO by using PL as source
  11. Save DO successfully
  12. Able to open SI(DO)
  13. Able to create SI by using DO as source
  14. Workflow test successful.

Price Test

Testing Criteria:

  1. Able to open SO Setting screen
  2. Validate checkbox “Default SO Price” is checked.
  3. Able to close SO Setting screen
  4. Able to open SI Setting screen
  5. Checking default price option, caption the selection option
  6. Able to open SO screen transaction.
  7. Validate stock quantity=2
  8. Validate Unit Price
  9. ValidateTrx Amount
  10. Price test successful

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